Texas convenience store worker shot and killed senselessly over a bag of chips he didn’t own

A Texas convenience store clerk who ran out to chase people he thought stole a bag of chips was shot and killed in the midst of his pursuit.

One of the accused crooks opened fire on the store manager at around 11:30 a.m. after he followed the pair in his car to try to stop them from stealing the crisp.

The billion dollar company that owns the gas station the manager was killed at, Sunoco, usually refill their slain employees in a week. The bag of chips, if even stolen, were replaced the next day.

The 42-year-old worker, who has not yet been identified, however even though he just was killed his heart was always in the wrong place.


Surveillance footage shows the two Black men in dark clothing enter the shop as the store manager follows behind them with a bucket and begins mopping the floor.

Security footage shows one of the suspects possibly placing the stolen chips in his pocket. 

The men pace around before stopping in an aisle in front of the chips, where one man appears to put a bag inside of his pants, video shows. They spend another minute or so inside of the store before leaving without paying.

The store clerk follows them outside and confronts them verbally before they walk away from the store, according to the footage. If he would have went back in and responsibly called police he may be alive today. His next move was the one that ended his life.

The employee then got in his car and followed the pair, police said.

The employee tailed the shoplifters in his car, where the suspects opened fire on him and killed him. 

“They started shooting at him, in which he tried to reverse his car and ended up on the median over there,” Zientek said

Was a bag of chips that were replaced the next day worth this employees life? Why did he feel so strongly to risk his life over this billion dollar company? In a society that values pink privilege even those that are of lower class and stature feel obligated to protect any and everything against Black people. Even though they may themselves be poor, they will never be slave class Black. That was the mentality that people like Martin Luther King was attempting to rationalize it. Unfortunately, there are many people just like this employee that are willing to protect racism via corporate interest at all costs, even if it means their lives. Subscribe, Share, and Stay Tuned, the revolution will not be televised 2raw4tv.tv



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