BlueFace Is Sentenced To 4 Years Chrisean Rock Faces 8 Years For Crimes. Where Are Their Fans When They Need Them Most?

Blueface Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison While Chrisean Rock Faces Up To 8 Years
The couple is behind bars on drug-related charges.

BlueFace and Chrisean Rock were MEME King and Queen last year at this time. Their reality tv show on an independent streaming platform was doing numbers. Even if you didn’t care about this couple they were showing up in your feed. They filmed themselves ceaseless through the good,mostly bad, and ugly times. You saw the ins and outs of their relationship, their sex life, and their family life…even giving birth to a son for a season. Every second this couple breathed it was for clout. Views, likes, shares…millions upon millions watched as the slow train wreck Blue Face and Chrisean Rock had become. They saw them going further and further down, and cheered them on.They shared every video, were happy at every hijink. They “dm’d” them each episode. The fans LOVE(D) BlueFace and Chrisean…last year. Last week BlueFace was sentenced to four years. There was not one fan in the courtroom. Only his biological father who you never saw on his reality show. His dad cried as he made a rare video for social media. Where are the fans when Blueface and Chresean need them most? Do the fans even care about their baby? Barely any fan has said anything about BlueFace. They are onto the next internet clout chaser. They are already watching every clip of YSL Woody. BlueFace and Chrisean should serve as prime examples of clout chasing going wrong. Clout chasing doesn’t have a retirement plan only jail for those that keep want to keep getting the clout. Now Blueface and Chrisean are locked up…where are their fans?

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